Big Boy (and some Big Girl) events and activities at this year's show included antique tractor,  truck and gasoline engine displays, working craft and equipment displays, a trail ride with poker  run, a flea market, an antique tractor pull and lots of good food and the weather couldn't have  been better. 

 More Tractors


   Entertainment for the children consisted of barrel train rides, arts and crafts classes, a     petting zoo, pedal tractor races, a political appearance and playing in "the corn box".

 Childrens Fair

  We would like to thank everyone who came out to our show and we would like to           thank all of those whose participation contributed to the success of a great weekend     (including Mother Nature).  These, naturally would include the Conicville Volunteer       Fire Company and its personnel, our many sponsors, including Steiner Tractor Parts     who supplied us with many tractor related items to give out to our registrants, our         flea marketers and crafters, all of those who brought tractors, trucks, engines, etc.   and anyone else that may have been missed here.  

                               The Good Lord willing, we will see you again next year.