You can use Cremini mushrooms or white button mushrooms or a combination of both.
Eat beef!
Chicken Breasts, Spinach & Mushrooms in a Creamy Parmesan Sauce
So, the other night, "The Boss" told me that we had some baby spinach leaves in the refrigerator and if we didn't use them soon, we would have to feed them to the deer and/or other wildlife. We also had some chicken breasts on hand, so she asked me to see if I could find a recipe for chicken breasts and spinach. I went to the Internet, found several recipes and after reading them, I picked one, which after a little tweaking, sounded pretty good to me. We tweaked it, and made it and in our opinion, it was delicious, so I decided to put our tweaked version on the website. We hope that you will enjoy it as much as we did. "Chicken Breasts, Spinach & Mushrooms in a Creamy Parmesan Sauce"