There, but for me, go I.  (Memories....) 

 Frog's Garage Car, Truck, Tractor Show 2023

    Pictures by Jan & Lou Kocon

 Below is this year's show flyer.  Hopefully,   we will see you all again next year.  

First Place Truck Owner, Jim Stup, (Slo-Old)

 On Saturday June 03, 2023, The Third Antique Car, Truck, Tractor & Motorcycle Show sponsored by   Hunter Lodge #135 AF & AM of Edinburg, VA & Frog's Garage Maurertown, Virginia was held in   Woodstock, Virginia at the Ben Franklin/Autozone parking lot.  The show started at 08:00 hours and   ran into the afternoon.  At 13:00 hours the drawings were held for the 50/50, the door prizes and the   awards were given out for the best cars, the best trucks, the best motorcycles, the best tractors and   the "Best In Show Vehicle".  Two of our club members won first place in their categories, Norm   Darling for his 720 John Deere tractor and Jim Stup for his 1953 Chevrolet Suburban ambulance. The   weather was absolutely wonderful, the food was really good and the rain held off until late afternoon   by which time, the show was over.  Enjoy the pictures below. 

First Place Tractor & Owner Norm Darling

First Place Truck Winner ... (Old)