~Below you will find a revised obituary for Bruce Wilkins.  As I was going through some ~archived photos recently, I came across one picture after another of Bruce so I gathered ~them up and put them into a file which you will see below.  In addition, I was able to get a ~copy of the obituary that appeared in the Northern Virginia Daily back in 2012, which I did ~not have and which you will also see below.                                                                           ~Personally, in all the years that I knew Bruce, I rarely saw him without a smile on his face ~and I never walked into a room or an area where he was that he didn't walk over, extend ~his hand and offer a greeting of one kind or another.  He was another of the club members ~who you could count on to pitch in and lend a hand whenever and wherever needed.  I, ~among many others, was saddened at his passing and miss having Bruce here with us.   


  Rest In Peace, Bruce

   Bruce Wilkins 1936 - 2012